Saturday, August 31, 2013

Crowdfunding Beat Exclusive Interview: Devin Thorpe with social entrepreneur Lesley Mansford CEO of Razoo

What is Razoo?

More than a Website

Razoo is a movement of people who want to make generosity a part of everyday life.

Living Generously

Generosity is win-win. Not only does it make the world a better place, it also makes us happy and fulfilled – especially when we give to the people and causes we care about most.


Lesley Mansford, CEO: I want to make a difference by democratizing philanthropy so that everyone can be a philanthropist.
Lesley is a seasoned GM, marketer and entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in interactive entertainment with companies like Electronic Arts. She was co-founder and COO of, the largest online casual games community which was acquired by EA in 2001.
Her passions include food, sustainability and women’s entrepreneurship. Currently she is on the board of the Leadership Institute for the Ecology and the Economy, on the board of advisors for Smart Gardener and is an active volunteer for The Women’s Initiative. Lesley graduated from Bristol University, England and lives in the San Francisco Bay area.
DevinThorpeDevin Thorpe thinks he is the luckiest person alive. After being “let go” from the best job he’d ever had—as the Chief Financial Officer of the multinational food and beverage company MonaVie—he and his wife ended up living in China for a year where he wrote Your Mark On The World and embarked on the career he’d always wanted yet hadn’t dared dream.
Now, as an author, a popular guest speaker and Forbes contributor, Devin is devoted full time to championing social good. His current life isn’t much like his past.
As an entrepreneur, Devin ran—at separate times—a boutique investment banking firm and a small mortgage company. He served as the Treasurer for the multinational vitamin manufacturer USANA Health Sciences years before becoming CFO for MonaVie. Over his career he led or advised on the successful completion of $500 million in transactions.
Devin squeezed in two brief stints in government, including two years working for Jake Garn on the U.S. Senate Banking Committee Staff and another year working for an independent state agency called USTAR, where he helped foster technology entrepreneurship during Governor Jon Huntsman’s administration. Devin is proud to have graduated from the University of Utah David Eccles School of Business, which recognized him as a Distinguished Alum in 2006. He also earned an MBA at Cornell University where he ran the student newspaper, Cornell Business.
Today, Devin channels the idealism of his youth with the loving support of his wife, Gail. Their son Dayton is a PhD candidate in Physics at UC Berkeley (and Devin rarely misses an opportunity to mention that).

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