Saturday, June 21, 2014

Content or Distribution: Not Talking Media, Rather Crowdfunding

 Fri, Jun 20, 2014  IMG_0234By Steve Cinelli  CFB contributing editor,
There has been a long debate in the media industry as to where lies the power.  Whether in music, television, books, news or movies, the proverbial query is who has the clout - content owners or distributors?  Distribution, with accelerating reach and scale economies, may enjoy the negotiating power over rights and costs from owners, particularly in an environ of social media, with platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Netflix and YouTube.  Yet content, in a world of unique and limited substitute offerings, can still command the stage, respect and compensation.  The quality of content, the receptivity and connection with the observer yields a deeper essence.  But the lines have and will continue to blur between the importance and role of both, particularly as business models evolve, technology intercedes and so the conversation moves on.
This analog, I submit, is spot on to the nature of the crowdfunding movement.  So far, tremendous levels of near hysteria on the advent and growth of what is construed as a new form of finance.   I say poppycock.  Simply the business of finance, as an art and science, remains in situ. A user of capital conveys to a supplier of capital requisite information for such supplier of capital to decide to deploy such capital to such user, with the supplier, hoping to put up X and receive back X+.  The merits of what represents a worthy investment still lies in essential characteristics – business thesis and need, management teams, market sizing and conditions, proper valuations and expectations on both parts, business and revenue models, competition and a bit of good fortune, i.e., when skill meets opportunity.  To manifest a dream, various resources are needed, capital generally being one.  How it’s structured and deployed, and how it performs is still resolute.
The crowdfunding mechanism is about distribution.  In the days of old, private (unregistered) financing consisted of authoring a physical “book” aka private placement memorandum, which, containing the relevant information was sent to select investors, numbered of course, with follow up via phone, facsimile, or in person.  Very analog. Very inefficient.  While the “book” remained the constant, the conversations were tautological, and to some degree, personal, given the discourse with the would-be investor.  Over the course of weeks and months, even years, one would fill the financing target, and all would be fabulous. Or not.
Welcome to the world of the Internet and digital communications, i.e., the ability to share information broadly, in many forms, and simultaneously.  In 1999, at OffRoad Capital, we recognized that there was a much more efficient model of communicating to investors, i.e., via the Internet, by telling the story “singularly to a plurality”.  And unlike investing in public companies, with reams of historical trading information, “privates” generally were virgin offerings, with a craft of storytelling.  So we created a virtual environment to tell and share the story.  We distributed the story in many ways, whether script, or pictures, or video, even providing live telecasts of management presentations and connecting our investors via phone bridges.  Yep, pre SKYPE and pre-YouTube.   We could provide a more robust and engaging experience to the investor than through a “book” and a phone.   Means of technological distribution enabled efficiency and engagement, and even the ability to aggregate smaller levels of capital into a larger sum.  No one could fathom doing a small offering with thousands of investors in an analog world, as it would be more mind numbing than herding cats.  Technology enables in many ways.
But this still remains a finance game, where wins and losses are quantified in investment results, and for those conveying the “stories”, while efficiently shared, still have a responsibility to produce “appropriate content”.    Said differently, I believe it crucial for those engaged in crowdfinance to bear the writer’s and editor’s pen and make sure that the story is told to engage, to educate, to enable, to elicit and to encompass all which an investor requires to make an informed decision.  As Title III of the JOBS Act remains in limbo, securities-based platforms cater exclusively to the “accredited investor” (Regulation D, Rule 506c), which was a designation from which small companies might raise funds sans the cost of full-blown registration.  The historical premise was that this group had both the ability to absorb losses, but also had the financial wherewithal to engage in their own, deeper diligence on a proposed offering.   We generally lose sight of this latter premise, and intermediaries, be them analog bankers or crowd platforms, do have a responsibility to provide rich “content” in support of the investment thesis they are presenting.
In a review of offerings from various platforms in the US and EU, I believe we need to develop some standards of financial disclosure, i.e., content, if we hope for this industry of distributed finance to blossom into all of our desires and expectations.   While we can lament generally about the lagging literacy and numeracy levels in the US, the degree of financial literacy is even more trammeled.  Is it incumbent on the crowd industry to enable informed decision-making and provide a financial plenary that guides the reader/investor into how to really assess the investment, how numbers and values work (or don’t work), contributing to what the investor is striving for - an attractive return?   While many companies rendered to the market are very early stage, and investors believe that products and brands and markets do create value, the measure of such is still financially represented.   Thus, should we not just recognize we have the responsibility to financially display while we disclose, but we may also, in this moment of time, embrace the opportunity to financially educate?
I do believe that while still in a nascent industry, the platforms that will survive will be those that provide their investor audiences both comprehensive and understandable financial disclosures, while educating such audiences on how to “decipher” along the way in building investment discretion and skills.  And in so doing, the smarter and more active investors will gravitate to those platforms that show the competence and elegance of disclosing, while educating, such information for a much advanced investment experience.
Steven Cinelli is founder and CEO of Primarq  and host of weekly webcast the crowd caucus

Friday, June 20, 2014

Who’s Who? of CrowdFunding Industry Professionals
Jay Abraham  Business Growth Strategist 
Kendall Almerico  crowdfunding and JOBS Act expert  @FundhubBiz
Andy Bentz Co-Founder CrowdLanding
Andrew Dix Co-Founder Crowdfund Insider
Brian Dally   Co-founder & CEO, GROUNDFLOOR 

Nav Athwal       

Jouko Ahvenainen Chairman and Co-founder CrowdValley @jahven
Timothy C. Draper  Founder Partner of DFJ 
Dara Albright Chief Commuications Officer, Crowdcentric Founder, NowStreet @NowStreet
Antonio Arias CEO and Co-founder Healthy Crowdfunder Corp @alamidas @healthvcfunder
Sydney Armani CEO and Publisher CrowdFundBeat Media @Sydney_armani
Jason Best Co-founder and Principal Crowdfund Capital Advisors @CrowdCapA
Jeffrey A. Bekiares Spark Market Intrastate Platform
James Beshara  Crowdtilt’s CEO and co-founder 
Salvador Briggman  CEO
Richard Bliss  crowdfunding podcast, 
Amanda Barbara        
Amanda Boyle CEO and Founder Bloom VC @nowaffle
Joseph Barisonzi   Community Leader Turnkey CrowdFunding
Chris Camillo Author Laughing at Wall Street: How I Beat the Pros at Investing @ChrisCamillo
Steve Cinelli
Philip  Cardwell   Film PR  Crowdfunding  Consulatant
Adam Chapnick   AssetAvenue @AdamChapnick    
Luan Cox     Crowdnetic   
Daniel Daboczy CEO FundedbyMe @fundedbymeceo
Charles Sidman  President, Crowdfunding Professional Association CFPA
Andrea Downs President and CEO  Coastalshows.comDavid Drake LDJ Capital Soho Loft Capital Creation
Douglas Ellenoff
Carl Esposti Crowdsourcing I Crowdfunding I Founder 
Peter Einstein  CrowdFunding4All (CF4ALL) – Search Engine
Alex Fair Co-founder and CEO @alexbfair
Michael Faulkner CEO SeedUps @seedups
Jonathan Frutkin  Co-founder  Cricca Funding ,  author  equity Crowdfunding 
Paul Freeman  CFO  CrowdIt
Ryan Feit CEO and co-founder SeedInvest @ryanfeit
Brad Feld Managing Director Foundry Group @bfeld
Sanj Goyle   CEO
Daniel Gorfine   Milken Institute
Julia Groves  UK’s  
Sandi Gilbert  Founder & CEO  CrowdCapital &SeedUps Canada
Dr. Kevin Grell  CrowdFunding  KBG|Consulting
Oliver Gajda Co-founder and Chairman EURCrowdfunding @olivergajda
Kevin Harrington, Chairman of As Seen On TV
Josef Holm  CEO, Crowdfunding Innovator, 
Daryl Hatton  CEO
Barry  James   Barry.
Alon Goren  CEO  at
Jason T. Graf     CEO    Crowd it
Jillian Helman   Realty Mogul
Sara Hanks CEO and Founder Crowd Check @SaraCrowdCheck
Josef Holm Founder and CEO, CEO, Tubestart @josefholm
Ruth Hedges, CEO and Founder of  CrowdFundingroad
Kevin Harrington
Jessica Jackley Investor and Advisor, Collaborative Fund Co-founder, Kiva @jessicajackley
Oscar A. Jofre, Jr. Founder, President and CEO BoardSuite @oscarjofre
Karen Kerrigan President Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council @karenkerrigan
Brian Koscak CANADA casselsbrock
Ronald Kleverlaan  Senior Crowdfunding Strategist & Vice chairman European Crowdfunding Network  
David Khorram    CrowdFunding evangelist
Luke Lang Co-founder Crowdcube @lukelang
Howard Leonhardt Founder, Chairman and CEO Leonhardt Ventures @howardleonhardt
Jeff Lynn CEO and Co-founder Seedrs @jeffseedrs  
Christopher J. Crippen Certified Crowd Funding Professional, Investment Real Estate
Alessandro M. Lerro   Crowdfunding  Italy
Renaud Laplanche Lending Club, CEO
Benjamin Miller  Co-Founder, Fundrise  
David Manshoory  CEO, AssetAvenue
Nadav Trenter Moser  :
Jonathan Medved  CEO at OurCrowd
Benjamin Miller   FundRise – Direct Public Offering Platform
Elena Mikhaylova, CEO of Crowdfund Productions, LLC
Gadi Mazor OurCrowd – Israeli Angel Platform
Brian Meece RocketHub Rewards Platform

Scott Mclntyre    Crowdfunding Professional; Educator

Dan Marom  Authors Crowdfunding Revolution

Arik Marmorstein  Mimoona – Israeli Reward Platform
Eric Migicovsky Founder Pebble Technology @ericmigi
Alexander Mittal Co-founder and CEO FundersClub @mittal 
Paul Niederer CEO Australian Small Scale Offerings Board (ASSOB)
Rodrigo Niño  Prodigy Network’s founder and CEO  
Sherwood (woodie) Niess   Partner, Crowdfund Capital Advisors
Perry Niro   Montreal,  Canada
Tanya Prive Founder and COO RockThePost @tanyapri 
Jeremiah Owyang     Web Strategy
Howard Orloff      Crowdfunding-Website-Reviews
Mark Perlumutter
DJ Paul    Co-Chair  CFIRA  

Danae Ringelmann Co-founder and Chief Customer Officer Indiegogo @GoGoDanae

Ron Suber  President at Prosper Marketplace
Jonathan Sandlund Founder TheCrowdCafe @jsandlund
Joy Schoffler Principal
 Joanna Schwartz s  CEO of EarlyShares
Dr. Victoria Silchenko    Journalist, Author, Speaker
Manolis Sfinarolakis Founder & Producer at Reality Crowd TV, 
Bishop Rodney Sampson Kingonomics
Kevin Swill COO of the Carlton Group
Congressman Patrick McHenry one of the investment crowdfunding industry’s most resolute champions
Peter MacKness   UK  Crowdfunding, Sponsorship, Brand Activation,
John-Michael Scott      Crowdfunding Film Project    
 Stefano Zaccaria D’Aniello Co-Founder & COO, GroundBreaker
Bruno Schneider – Le Saout  Crowdfundng France 
Paul Spinrad    CrowdFunding Advocate Investian

Wil Schroter Founder and CEO Fundable @wilschroter

Barry Sheerman Member of Parliament for Huddersfield UK Parliament @BarrySheerman
Barry Silbert Founder and CEO SecondMarket @barrysilbert
Rose Spinelli Coach, Trainer, Pitch Video Creator @TCFrose
Duncan Stewart Director of TMT Research Deloitte Canada @dunstewart
Yancey  Strickler Co-founder and CEO Kickstarter @ystrickler
Tim Sullivan CEO MicroVentures N/A
Richard Swart  Partner and Research Director Crowdfund  Capital Advisors @richardswart
Devin D. Thorpe   Journalist, Author,   philanthropist  @  devindthorpe
John Trigonis  Indiegogo   author of Crowdfunding for Filmmakers
Carlo Tabibi        CEO @ Patch of Land 
Chris Tyrrell  CEO at Offer Board   @christyrrell
Slava  Rubin  CEO  Indiegogo (@gogoslava
Darren Westlake CEO CrowdCube @DazWest
Joanne Wilson Co-founder Gotham Gal Ventures @thegothamgal
Kim Wills     Wales Capital    @kimwales1
Johnton  Wilson  Crowdfudning  attorney
Mathew Walker Technology Enthusiast | Domain Name Broker | eBook Author
Sonny Vu Misfit Wearables 
Diana Yazidjian  Crowdfunding strategist  Canada
Bryan Zhang PhD Researcher Bryan Zhang @BryanZhangZ
 Korstiaan Zandvliet     Symbid – Global Equity Platform

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Who’s Who? of CrowdFunding Industry Professionals
Jay Abraham  Business Growth Strategist 
Kendall Almerico  crowdfunding and JOBS Act expert  @FundhubBiz
Andy Bentz Co-Founder CrowdLanding
Andrew Dix Co-Founder Crowdfund Insider
Brian Dally   Co-founder & CEO, GROUNDFLOOR 

Nav Athwal       

Jouko Ahvenainen Chairman and Co-founder CrowdValley @jahven
Timothy C. Draper  Founder Partner of DFJ 
Dara Albright Chief Commuications Officer, Crowdcentric Founder, NowStreet @NowStreet
Antonio Arias CEO and Co-founder Healthy Crowdfunder Corp @alamidas @healthvcfunder
Sydney Armani CEO and Publisher CrowdFundBeat Media @Sydney_armani
Jason Best Co-founder and Principal Crowdfund Capital Advisors @CrowdCapA
Jeffrey A. Bekiares Spark Market Intrastate Platform
James Beshara  Crowdtilt’s CEO and co-founder 
Salvador Briggman  CEO
Richard Bliss  crowdfunding podcast, 
Amanda Barbara        
Amanda Boyle CEO and Founder Bloom VC @nowaffle
Joseph Barisonzi   Community Leader Turnkey CrowdFunding
Chris Camillo Author Laughing at Wall Street: How I Beat the Pros at Investing @ChrisCamillo
Steve Cinelli
Philip  Cardwell   Film PR  Crowdfunding  Consulatant
Adam Chapnick   AssetAvenue @AdamChapnick    
Luan Cox     Crowdnetic   
Daniel Daboczy CEO FundedbyMe @fundedbymeceo
Charles Sidman  President, Crowdfunding Professional Association CFPA
Andrea Downs President and CEO  Coastalshows.comDavid Drake LDJ Capital Soho Loft Capital Creation
Douglas Ellenoff
Carl Esposti Crowdsourcing I Crowdfunding I Founder 
Peter Einstein  CrowdFunding4All (CF4ALL) – Search Engine
Alex Fair Co-founder and CEO @alexbfair
Michael Faulkner CEO SeedUps @seedups
Jonathan Frutkin  Co-founder  Cricca Funding ,  author  equity Crowdfunding 
Paul Freeman  CFO  CrowdIt
Ryan Feit CEO and co-founder SeedInvest @ryanfeit
Brad Feld Managing Director Foundry Group @bfeld
Sanj Goyle   CEO
Daniel Gorfine   Milken Institute
Julia Groves  UK’s  
Sandi Gilbert  Founder & CEO  CrowdCapital &SeedUps Canada
Dr. Kevin Grell  CrowdFunding  KBG|Consulting
Oliver Gajda Co-founder and Chairman EURCrowdfunding @olivergajda
Kevin Harrington, Chairman of As Seen On TV
Josef Holm  CEO, Crowdfunding Innovator, 
Daryl Hatton  CEO
Barry  James   Barry.
Alon Goren  CEO  at
Jason T. Graf     CEO    Crowd it
Jillian Helman   Realty Mogul
Sara Hanks CEO and Founder Crowd Check @SaraCrowdCheck
Josef Holm Founder and CEO, CEO, Tubestart @josefholm
Ruth Hedges, CEO and Founder of  CrowdFundingroad
Kevin Harrington
Jessica Jackley Investor and Advisor, Collaborative Fund Co-founder, Kiva @jessicajackley
Oscar A. Jofre, Jr. Founder, President and CEO BoardSuite @oscarjofre
Karen Kerrigan President Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council @karenkerrigan
Brian Koscak CANADA casselsbrock
Ronald Kleverlaan  Senior Crowdfunding Strategist & Vice chairman European Crowdfunding Network  
David Khorram    CrowdFunding evangelist
Luke Lang Co-founder Crowdcube @lukelang
Howard Leonhardt Founder, Chairman and CEO Leonhardt Ventures @howardleonhardt
Jeff Lynn CEO and Co-founder Seedrs @jeffseedrs  
Christopher J. Crippen Certified Crowd Funding Professional, Investment Real Estate
Alessandro M. Lerro   Crowdfunding  Italy
Renaud Laplanche Lending Club, CEO
Benjamin Miller  Co-Founder, Fundrise  
David Manshoory  CEO, AssetAvenue
Nadav Trenter Moser  :
Jonathan Medved  CEO at OurCrowd
Benjamin Miller   FundRise – Direct Public Offering Platform
Elena Mikhaylova, CEO of Crowdfund Productions, LLC
Gadi Mazor OurCrowd – Israeli Angel Platform
Brian Meece RocketHub Rewards Platform

Scott Mclntyre    Crowdfunding Professional; Educator

Dan Marom  Authors Crowdfunding Revolution

Arik Marmorstein  Mimoona – Israeli Reward Platform
Eric Migicovsky Founder Pebble Technology @ericmigi
Alexander Mittal Co-founder and CEO FundersClub @mittal 
Paul Niederer CEO Australian Small Scale Offerings Board (ASSOB)
Rodrigo Niño  Prodigy Network’s founder and CEO  
Sherwood (woodie) Niess   Partner, Crowdfund Capital Advisors
Perry Niro   Montreal,  Canada
Tanya Prive Founder and COO RockThePost @tanyapri 
Jeremiah Owyang     Web Strategy
Howard Orloff      Crowdfunding-Website-Reviews
Mark Perlumutter
DJ Paul    Co-Chair  CFIRA  

Danae Ringelmann Co-founder and Chief Customer Officer Indiegogo @GoGoDanae

Ron Suber  President at Prosper Marketplace
Jonathan Sandlund Founder TheCrowdCafe @jsandlund
Joy Schoffler Principal
 Joanna Schwartz s  CEO of EarlyShares
Dr. Victoria Silchenko    Journalist, Author, Speaker
Manolis Sfinarolakis Founder & Producer at Reality Crowd TV, 
Bishop Rodney Sampson Kingonomics
Kevin Swill COO of the Carlton Group
Congressman Patrick McHenry one of the investment crowdfunding industry’s most resolute champions
Peter MacKness   UK  Crowdfunding, Sponsorship, Brand Activation,
John-Michael Scott      Crowdfunding Film Project    
 Stefano Zaccaria D’Aniello Co-Founder & COO, GroundBreaker
Bruno Schneider – Le Saout  Crowdfundng France 
Paul Spinrad    CrowdFunding Advocate Investian

Wil Schroter Founder and CEO Fundable @wilschroter

Barry Sheerman Member of Parliament for Huddersfield UK Parliament @BarrySheerman
Barry Silbert Founder and CEO SecondMarket @barrysilbert
Rose Spinelli Coach, Trainer, Pitch Video Creator @TCFrose
Duncan Stewart Director of TMT Research Deloitte Canada @dunstewart
Yancey  Strickler Co-founder and CEO Kickstarter @ystrickler
Tim Sullivan CEO MicroVentures N/A
Richard Swart  Partner and Research Director Crowdfund  Capital Advisors @richardswart
Devin D. Thorpe   Journalist, Author,   philanthropist  @  devindthorpe
John Trigonis  Indiegogo   author of Crowdfunding for Filmmakers
Carlo Tabibi        CEO @ Patch of Land 
Chris Tyrrell  CEO at Offer Board   @christyrrell
Slava  Rubin  CEO  Indiegogo (@gogoslava
Darren Westlake CEO CrowdCube @DazWest
Joanne Wilson Co-founder Gotham Gal Ventures @thegothamgal
Kim Wills     Wales Capital    @kimwales1
Johnton  Wilson  Crowdfudning  attorney
Mathew Walker Technology Enthusiast | Domain Name Broker | eBook Author
Sonny Vu Misfit Wearables 
Diana Yazidjian  Crowdfunding strategist  Canada
Bryan Zhang PhD Researcher Bryan Zhang @BryanZhangZ
 Korstiaan Zandvliet     Symbid – Global Equity Platform

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